What if Animals could Talk?

We just need to Listen

Just like humans, animals are sentient, intelligent beings. They, also, have thoughts and feelings. So, as with our peers, we don’t need a special talent or psychic gift to be able to communicate with them. The only key is LOVE!

When we open our heart to their living soul, we can “connect” in a way that is beyond our 5 senses. All we need to do is tune in and connect heart to heart, mind to mind, then tap into the universal language of all species.

We do that by practicing a high level of energetic communication until we can confidently send and receive accurate information and messages. If this speaks to you, you are at the right place to discover simple, easy, joyful tools to make it happen.

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The Perks of Being an Animal Whisperer

Telepathic Animal Communication is valuable in many different situations: to better understand the behavior, moods, and state of health of your pets, strengthen the bond between you and your animals, explain what is happening in your life or theirs, but mostly connect Soul to Soul so that you can help and rely on each other forever. By choosing to become a pet whisperer, you will be able to learn how to:

Since many reasons and situations can affect your animals’ behavior, it is useful to investigate what they are going through and take the time to understand the stress, fears and feelings that might be generating the problems in their life. The more you understand them, the easier it will be to assist them by reassuring them, implementing some new training techniques or adjusting their environment to their convenience.

Animals can relay descriptions of their symptoms, feelings and pains as soon as they appear, so that you can intervene quickly. If needed, they can also inform you of the location, intensity, and frequency of the pain, so you can relay information to veterinary health professionals and help them make a more accurate diagnostic. Most importantly, we know that depression and grief can be the cause of many emotional and physical health problems; addressing these underlying issues appropriately can surely improve balance and wellbeing.

Stored energies (such as memories or traumas) could result into tensions or fear in your animals, that might alter their authentic behavior and cause them to exhibit signs of anger or distress. Unaddressed, those states of unease might deteriorate into symptoms and/or diseases, while acknowledging the story of their life can make them feel understood and more open to changes that may improve their future and/or wellbeing.

When an animal is stressed, confined or injured, the information he sends can often be confusing because he may be in shock, desperate, trapped, or even worse… It can be hard to correctly interpret his message, since the communication is influenced by physical sensations, feelings, images, and sounds, so it can distort what is being transmitted or can trigger our own inner blockages, pain, and/or suppressed emotions. Still, we can bring peace in the situation, just by breathing deeply, listen to our intuition and send lots of love and light to the animal.

Major changes are the hardest situation for your animal to go through because any causes of instability make him lose his bearings. Therefore, it’s important to prepare your pet for any situation that can affect his environment: rehoming or moving away, of course, but also going on a trip, having visitors for the holidays, welcoming a new baby, separation in the couple, and more. Assisting animals with transitions and environment changes will help prevent anxiety and abandonment fears.

Knowing your pet’s perception of the people around him (family, sitter, groomers, veterinarians, trainers, etc.) can explain the behavior he might exhibit toward them and help you choose wisely who to work with. Understanding his needs and adjusting his environment (training schedule, equipment, harness, living space, etc.) can also improve his behavior and performance during sports or activities.

Every animal lives in the present moment. It is difficult for him to project himself into the future or to express wishes for the future. Until the animal has experienced a situation for itself, it is not possible to predict how exactly the animal will react to changes or how the situation will evolve. But by acknowledging his feelings and ours, we can help to make conscious decisions regarding life changing choices, like choosing to sterilize or mate your animal, and even support you through the end-of-life stages as he gets older.

The real purpose of Animal Communication is to optimize the wellbeing of the animal and promote interspecies harmony by better understanding your respective needs. Animals are exceptional creatures, always trying to communicate with you. They are happy to tell us how they feel, what works for them or doesn’t, whether they are in pain or confused, even discuss their specific purposes and aspirations. But above all, they have insightful messages to give us in order to help us improve our lives, and they love sharing wisdom from their universal perspective and unique viewpoint.

Our Teachings

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Ready to explore your inner talents?


Watch Free Videos on how to Communicate with your Beloved Pets

On YouTube, you can also watch this whole talk about Animal Communication recorded in front of 90 people in Ajijic, Mexico.

It lasts about an hour and shares a lot of advices, anecdotes and even live dog whispering. Enjoy!

“I’m so excited about the things I have learned working with Diane on animal communication. I have found that telling my foster puppies what to expect and showing them pictures of their new family has eased their anxiety. I will continue to take Diane’s classes when available.”
Ronni, Marco's mom, Ajijic, Mexico
“I highly recommend a session with Diane, for it has really helped me a lot. With gentleness and great accuracy, she delivers the right messages to operate the moments of intense passage. Whether it was for a difficulty between my two cats or my dog’s illness and then departure, she was a precious resource of love.”
Isabelle, Riley's mom, Brussels, Belgium
“The animal communication workshop with Diane was wonderful.  My understanding of me with my animals grew by leaps and bounds.  Knowing their soul families is brilliant!  Thank you for the whole offering.”
Juanita, Chester's mom, Ajijic, Mexico

We are Here to Help

If you dream of understanding your animals’ needs better, their feelings toward you and/or what is their purpose in your life, our experts can communicate with any species or breeds, at any age, anywhere int the world or even across the veil after your pets have passed.


Personalized Services

Soul Whispering

If you are wondering how your pets are doing and if they need anything to feel happy, healthy, and peaceful, or you might need to tell them and make them understand something important (such as informing them of an upcoming move, expecting a child or welcoming another pet in the house)? Diane can communicate with your animals, either in person or remotely using photos, to bring you the answers and/or to let your pet know of approaching events.


Health Care

If your pet seems in distress, sick or injured and you would like to know more about what is causing this unfortunate situation, as a certified naturopath Diane can perform a “holistic health assessment”, including a 30-minute intuitive communication for you to ask your questions about your animal AND a 30-minutes energy healing treatment to help your pet recover, according to the information she receives from them.


Life Purpose

The type of “whispering” Diane most prefers is the “Animal Soul Family and Life Mission” session, during which she explains to you why you chose each other and what your pet wants to bring to you to help you grow and flourish. She also reveals their “true nature”, the color and the specificities of their soul, that might have a significant influence over your actual relationship or even from beyond after they have passed.

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Making a Difference

We know that your animals are important to you. We can help you take care of them, but most of all, facilitate your own way of communicating with them, so you can truly rely on each other.


Making a Difference

We know that your animals are important to you. We can help you take care of them, but most of all, facilitate your own way of communicating with them, so you can truly rely on each other.