Musical Meditation with Rancho Horses
February 20, 2023 @ 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Let the heart centered Horses fill your heart will Love & Light
Have you ever been touched in your Soul by a Horse? This conscious Being can not only feel all our emotions and inner tensions, but, by emanating Love from is huge heart, heal all our wounds and despairs.
Imagine meditating sitting on the grass amongst Horses, being lulled into meditation by inspirational music, while welcoming their peaceful breath on your neck and fulfilling love entering your heart.
Join us at the Rancho de la Libertad in Chapala Haciendas for this very special “once in a lifetime” meditation. Just bring a yoga mat or blanket to sit on, and if you feel like it, some carrots or apples to reward the horses at the end.
Monday February 20th – 3 to 5 pm – 250 pesos per person.
Places limited. Location to be precised upon registration.
Contact us for more details or please use the button below to register.